Friday, January 29, 2016

How A Cell Phone Spy App Can Help A Small Business Be Profitable

There are so many things that small businesses can do these days to create profit at a low cost. A lot of the high marketing costs of the past can now be achieved by diligent social media posting and close attention to SEO. Health care costs can be kept at a minimum by searching different plans and offering coverage for health and dental, but not necessarily coverage for vision. Delivery costs can be kept at a minimum by scheduling your local deliveries at the same time and covering one area.

There are numerous ways to save money and create a profit. But what happens when one or two employees start slowly eating away at a small businesses’ profit? Small reductions in profit can turn into one huge loss. A cell phone spy dialer or cell phone spy app can help.

Small businesses have to protect themselves in every area. Whether it’s employee protection, protection against litigation, protection against data breach, or any of the millions of things that a business has to worry about, any business knows that having trustworthy employees is a very big deal. If you can’t trust who works for you, you can’t run an effective business.

A cell phone spy app like Surepoint Spy can help company loss or data breach before it’s too late. How? If an employer installs this monitoring software on to a company-issued cell phone, an employer can see multiple activity on an employee’s cell, such as:
-apps downloaded to the phone (is your employee playing Words With Friends on company time?)
-photos (is your driver taking selfies and posting to his Facebook account?)
-social media activity (is your best sales person swiping left swiping all day long on Tinder?)
-videos (is your tech guy posting videos of his latest invention on YouTube, hoping someone discovers it?)
-GPS location (is your human resources person really scouting new talent, or is she having a long coffee break at Starbucks?)
-call logs (is your accountant calling her relatives in Germany on company time?)
-emails (is your favorite business development contact sending personal emails, looking for a new dog, or asking her friends where to meet up for happy hour?)

All of these scenarios equal abuse of company time. When an employee is paid a salary, he or she is expected to be accountable to his or her boss, and the company in general.
How is this legal? Quite simply, a cell phone or mobile device that’s issued by a company is company property. Company property belongs to the company. A cell phone is no different. You wouldn’t think of walking out the door with company copier, would you? It’s the same thing. Theft is theft.

You’d be surprised at how many people don’t realize the difference between what’s appropriate to do on their own phone versus what is acceptable on a company phone. For those employees that are cutting into your bottom line, a cell phone spy like Surepoint Spy is an absolute must for small businesses.

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