Tuesday, January 5, 2016

How Can Cell Phone Spy Software Help A Relationship, Not Hurt It?

You’ve all heard the stories of the past – people using a cell phone spy software for spying on someone they don’t trust. A trusted mobile monitoring app like Surepoint Spy is so much more than that. Did you know that with Surepoint Spy, you can actually help a relationship, not hurt it.

How does this work? Well for starters, you should learn what a cell phone monitoring software is used for these days. It’s used for multiple useful reasons, and one of the biggest ones is parental monitoring on a teenager’s phone. How can I see his text messages, you might think. Now it’s simple.

When this application is installed, a parent can quit worrying and see all activity and content on a teen’s phone. A unique user dashboard gives the parent access to a chid’s phone, including GPS location!

Here’s what you can see:

-web browsing history (all sites that the user has been looking at)

-all text messages, even the deleted ones (teens send hundreds of text every day, and now you can access them)

-call logs (who called and when)

-emails (correspondence to and from people and businesses you may or may not know of)
-photos (all photos on the mobile phone)

-videos (all videos on the mobile phone)

-social media posts (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Skype and more)

-GPS location (the exact location of where that target device is)

How does this kind of knowledge help a relationship? It can prevent really destructive online behavior from happening, and it allows a child to be accountable for his or her actions. Too many kids these days are NOT accountable, and it can lead to inappropriate, violent or destructive behavior.

Here’s a typical child/parent scenario:

A parent hears from a relative or friend (let’s call him Uncle Joe) that her child (let’s call her Suzie) is posting inappropriate content to her Instagram account. Suzie forgot that Uncle Joe is one of her followers, but Suzie forgot about that small detail. Uncle Joe contacts you and says you might want to know that Suzie’s bikini photos are getting a little out of hand.
You investigate yourself, and not only are the pictures inappropriate, she’s posting to Instagram during the school day when she should be working!

You confront Suzie, and at first she denies it, but then confesses. Now that Suzie knows that you’re aware of her behavior, she’ll stop it. You’re thinking, Suzie will just post to a different social media site without my knowledge, and that could be true. Or she might think twice about your conversation.

Either way, destructive behavior has stopped in its tracks. What if Suzie was on the verge of getting kicked out of school for bad cell phone behavior?

Finally, you may do your research online and come up with other companies such as Brickhouse cell phone spy, but Surepoint Spy is the only app that comes with a one-time, low-cost fee, and live customer support to help you with installation of the app and beyond.

1 comment:

  1. Good post. Very interesting. I would have said, for the spy apps. These applications are gaining popularity. I can recommend a site where you can download them. Very convenient and practical https://mxspyphoneapp.com/ . Only install and use.
