Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Camouflaging: The Newest Teen And Tween Fad

Did you know that there’s a new fad among teens called “camoflauging?” What is it, exactly? According to Teen Vogue, it’s a shift in one’s look (usually girls) during the tween years to “prep” them for what they think are expectations in the teen years. Basically, it’s making themselves look like something they’re not.

“This phase—which many enter between the ages of 8 and 12 — is known as camouflaging, a term coined by Dr. Deak. It’s the practice of tweaking how one looks and acts in order to blend in with peers.
‘Different is a social death sentence,’ Liana, 16, a high school junior in Los Angeles, explains. ‘I don’t wear a waist trainer because it’s comfortable; I wear it because other girls in my group do, because society tells me that my five-foot-two, size 8 body is supposed to look like a Kardashian’s.’ When asked which Kardashian in particular, she answers, ‘Any one of them.’
Image shifts start small: trading in glasses for contacts, wearing bras before there’s any need for them, flirting with boys they don’t even like, mimicking makeup styles from popular classmates or Photoshopped faces.”

Why would a teen girl camouflage? For the same reasons that teens have been disguising themselves for decades: because they want to fit in and be accepted by their peers. It’s an old habit that’s hard to break. However, if you’re a parent and you’re worried about the friends your teen is trying to impress, a cell phone spy like Surepoint Spy may be just the thing.
Surepoint Spy allows any parent to monitor and track a cell phone. Many parents and employers use it to track the social media activity and text messages of a cell phone.
Let’s say your teen daughter starts to wear inappropriate clothing to school. You confront her about it. There’s an argument. She promises she’ll never do it again. But then, your sister, her aunt, starts seeing posts on Instagram in see-through shirts and short skirts at school and at the mall. Your daughter forgot that her aunt follows her on Instagram! Now you don’t have to rely on your sister for the shocking updates; you can install a monitoring app on your daughter’s cell phone and instantly see all the Instagram posts yourself.
And that’s not all. What if that same daughter starts dating a guy that you don’t approve of at all? She swears she’s not meeting him, but you have a bad feeling, and based on her sneaky behavior, you know something is up.

With Surepoint, you can track all her text messages, even the deleted ones. Now you know that she’s definitely meeting that guy, and he’s definitely bad news.
Many parents have used Surepoint Spy to track a cell phone in this dangerous digital age. Between social media sites like Instagram, Facebook and Snapchat, and hundreds of text messages that are sent every day between teens and their peers, a modern parent needs modern help. That help comes in the form of a cell phone monitoring software like Surepoint. Whether you want to track texts, cell phone voicemail spy or follow someone’s social media activity, this powerful software is what you need to track a tween that’s trying to camoflauge.

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