Monday, October 26, 2015

Halloween Safety

Halloween is just around the corner and so too will be your child. But if this is the first year that you won’t be accompanying them and your feeling anxious, rest easy, cell phone spying can help.

For years, you’ve taken your kid trick or treating around the neighborhood. You held their hand as you walked from house to house and watched as they made their way up to strange doors with who knows who behind them and shouted “Trick or Treat”! But for some reason, this year you won’t be with them. Or can’t. Maybe you have to work. Or you are ill. Or maybe they are finally old enough to go on their own with their friends—a hard thing for any loving parent to accept—but there it is. And so you’ve resigned yourself to the fact that you won’t be there and you’ve taken the next step by giving them a cell phone to keep in touch. But … is that really enough?

To help you feel secure in your decision, we offer some helpful tips for using a mobile device to spy on a cell phone, and keep your kids safe this Halloween:

  • Make sure your child knows how to use their cell phone properly—how to unlock it, activate it, operate the functions.
  • Pre-program ICE (In Case of Emergency) numbers such as your number, a neighbor, and the police station into your child’s speed dial on their cell phone.
  • Make sure your child’s cell phone is fully charged before they leave the house and that the volume is turned up. After all, what good is giving them a phone if it’s dead or silent?
  • Set notification alarms on the phone’s alarm clock to remind them when to check in or when to come home.
  • Download and teach them how to operated the flashlight app/function on their devices for when it gets dark.
  • Have other parents take part in a wireless patrol route—stationing various adults with cell phones along a pre-determined route where they can text one another as the kids reach various checkpoints.
  • Download and check out the Sex Offenders Search app which shows you if and where any registered sex offenders live along your child’s trick-or-treat route. Just activate your smartphone’s GPS and you can connect to the National Sex Offender Registry to locate registered sex offenders and predators in the area.
  • Download one of the many available Panic Button apps like Imergex Panic Button or RedPanic Button app to your child’s device.
  • Track your trick-or-treater with a location-based service, like GPS Phone Tracker Pro, Life360 or FamilyMap.
  • Install a good mobile monitoring app such as Auto Forward, SurePoint or Highster Mobile on the target device in order to track via GPS, view texts and social media and activate the camera and microphone. These three offerings will save you the trouble of searching key phrases such as cell phone text spy, free cell phone spy software download and best free cell phone spy app.

Trick or Treating on Halloween can be very distracting—even to the most diligent parent. Ghouls and goblins ain’t got nothin’ on the pervs and pedos waiting to get their hands on your children. So don’t worry about smothering your child or being overprotective. There’s nothing wrong with taking every precaution to ensure their safety. And if you’re looking for a free spy on cell phone without installing software, buyer beware – many of those types of free cell phone spy software don’t have the full functionality as Surepoint Spy.

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