Friday, April 29, 2016

Reasons Why You May Want to Install a Mobile Surveillance App on their Smartphone


Being a teenager is a tough job. No, really, it is—especially today. Peer pressure, hormones, school work, social media—all of these things play a huge part in your child’s development and well-being. Not every kid handles it the same.

While some teens can take everything that life has to hurl at them with a grain of salt, others take everything to heart. Some of them internalize the pain, confusion, and anger that they feel and a few lash out. While it seems that those that lash out may be the ones to worry about most—and yes, they actually are—it’s the ones that internalize it that we have to worry about as well … especially if you’re their parent.

Teens have always felt pressured to look, act, and be a certain way—and most get by and grow up to become semi-normal functioning adults. But there are more than a few who don’t.

Today’s modern tech has added to the negative mix, creating more drama and stress for a teen than ever before. Think about it—the Internet, with its constant barrage of images, social media, videos and more shove inappropriateness and shallowness into every child’s face daily. Kids today have a false sense of reality and live with expectations that they can’t possibly live up to. Now, put all of that into your child’s hands in the form of a smartphone and it never goes away. Never takes a rest. Never leaves your child’s psyche alone.

Facebook, SnapChat, Twitter, texting—all of it pressures your child day in and day out. If your teen has a volatile personality, this could all come to a violent head. To make sure that doesn’t happen, we recommend you communicate with your child as much as possible. Now, we know that isn’t always easy to do with teens, so we also recommend something else: that you install a good cell phone monitoring app on their smartphone. Here’s why.

A high-quality mobile monitoring app can give you access to your teen’s browser history, phone calls, texts, social media activity, pictures, videos and more to allow you to spy on a cell phone. You can use it to make sure he isn’t researching how to kill himself or others online; see if he is being bullied by other teens at school; and check to see if he isn’t being coerced into sending nude selfies of himself to some sick pedophile.

A top-of-the-line mobile monitoring and spy listening devices for cell phones can also let you snap pics with his phone’s camera and listen in on his surroundings with the microphone to make sure he is in a safe area. Additionally, you can also track him via GPS if he goes missing.

We know it sounds extreme, but we live in extreme times. Pedophiles, bullies, hackers, scammers, drug-dealers—all are everywhere in our modern world. Teens are a confused breed and don’t always process things in a logical way. Make sure your teen is safe at all times and not a danger to themselves or others. Do yourself a huge favor and install spy gear for cell phones on their device today.

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